Facility App
Facility App manages your Operating Facilities where your business operations occur. Facility App also manages people and
equipment used within the facility. Manage Hazard or Incident notification to people working within a facility. Also assists with identifying equipment usage and movement across multiple facilities within your organisation. Ability to manage equipment and people operating within the facility using Geofencing and proximity alerts.
Asset Group App
Manages Asset definitions and requirements - Asset can be both equipment and people. Asset Group defines a set of optimum requirements
for assets and manages overall capabilities required to operate an equipment or perform a business function.
Asset App
Manages equipment, maintenance, proximity, and their operators. Ability to manage and monitor operator access, asset perimeter, usage, import
or directly link equipment monitoring data, Machine Learning to predict downtime and early maintenance schedules, offline costs and production losses. Configurable alerts when asset leaves Geofence perimeters.
Team/Crew App
Manage teams/crews like a champion. Define capability requirements, service delivery requirements and staff requirements and
watch the automation kick in. Save time and costs by identifying skilled operators from existing surplus talent pool. Easily identify personnel gaps by role, determine how service delivery is impacted by staff movements, simulate what if scenarios for equipment downtime, service expansion and staff transfers and much more!
Shift Design App
An intuitive Shift and Roster designer and automator app to easily create large number of shifts, define capability requirements (for both people and equipment).
Collaborate with team and members to create the shift layout before publishing. Automated notifications to members on allocation. Capability alerts (gaps, availability, in-training, etc.) upon allocating team members.
Roster App
Roster App for your team members to view Current, Draft or Proposed shifts. Ability to accept/decline Porposed Shifts and request Leave.
Capability App
Enables delivery of targeted information required at each level of the management structure to understand organisational performance based on your workforce capability.
Capability app enables you to: understand key organisational capabilities across the organisation; understand how your workforce contributes towards your organisational capabilities;
measure, monitor and simulate how your human capital changes impact on capability measures; measure and monitor progress of your capabilities; understand how capabilities impact your
key business functions; and measure how capabilities impact your organisation’s functional attributes such as time-to-market or quality of products and services you deliver.
Talent App
Manage individuals within your organisation. Supports both employees and contractors. Manage personal records, medical records, leaves, PDP, Skills, Trainings, Shifts and more!Staff have their own self help apps to manage their restricted personal records, undertake training activities, plan career progressions, review in-progress and previous-signed of Professional Development Plans, request leave and review their own Shift allocations.